MP Boy Ved Lahoti Tops JEE Advanced 2024 with Record-Breaking Score

In an impressive display of academic excellence, Ved Lahoti from the Delhi zone has topped the JEE Advanced 2024 exam with a remarkable score of 355 out of 360, setting a new record for the highest-ever score in the history of the examination. This year’s results also reflect an overall increase in the pass percentage,Continue reading “MP Boy Ved Lahoti Tops JEE Advanced 2024 with Record-Breaking Score”

JEE Advanced AIR 9 Dhruvin Doshi: Journey to Success by Staying Focused and Strategic

Achieving a remarkable All-India Rank (AIR) of 9 in the JEE Advanced exam is no small feat, and Dhruvin Doshi’s journey to the top is a testament to his dedication, strategy, and resilience. With an impressive score of 329 out of 360, this Mumbai boy’s story is both inspiring and instructive for aspiring engineers acrossContinue reading “JEE Advanced AIR 9 Dhruvin Doshi: Journey to Success by Staying Focused and Strategic”

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