JEE Advanced AIR 9 Dhruvin Doshi: Journey to Success by Staying Focused and Strategic

JEE Advanced AIR 9 believes that it is important to give your best efforts for anything.

Achieving a remarkable All-India Rank (AIR) of 9 in the JEE Advanced exam is no small feat, and Dhruvin Doshi’s journey to the top is a testament to his dedication, strategy, and resilience. With an impressive score of 329 out of 360, this Mumbai boy’s story is both inspiring and instructive for aspiring engineers across the country.

Shifting Gears for Success: Moving to a Hostel

Hailing from Mulund, Dhruvin initially faced a considerable challenge: a long daily commute from Mulund to Andheri for his coaching classes at Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions. This daily travel was not only time-consuming but also exhausting. Realizing the need to optimize his time and energy, Dhruvin, along with a few friends, decided to make a strategic move.

“In the first year, I commuted daily, but in the second year, we shifted to a hostel closer to our coaching center. This decision saved us from the daily travel hassle and allowed us to focus entirely on our studies,” Dhruvin shared. “Having friends with me throughout this journey was crucial. Moving alone would have added unnecessary stress, which we wanted to avoid.”

Family Influence and Career Choice

Interestingly, despite coming from a family of doctors—his mother a dentist and his father an anesthesiologist—Dhruvin chose a different path. “I was never interested in biology or medicine, so I thought, why not try engineering? The result, as it turns out, is quite delightful,” he said, smiling. Dhruvin had modest expectations, aiming to be among the top 60, but his hard work propelled him to an even higher rank.

The Art of Focus: Steering Clear of Distractions

One of the critical factors in Dhruvin’s success was his disciplined approach to managing distractions. While he did own a smartphone, he made a conscious decision to stay away from social media apps that could divert his attention. “I believe in giving my best effort in everything I do. But once you’ve put in 100%, it’s important to relax and accept whatever the outcome may be. Stressing over the result isn’t helpful,” Dhruvin advised.

To unwind and keep stress at bay, Dhruvin often chatted with friends and played cricket, maintaining a balanced approach to his rigorous study schedule. He dedicated a substantial 10-11 hours each day to his studies, ensuring he was thoroughly prepared for the exam.

The Sweet Taste of Success

Reflecting on his achievement, Dhruvin expressed immense satisfaction. “Seeing the results now, it feels like all the hard work has finally paid off. I am thrilled and look forward to pursuing the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) branch at IIT Bombay,” he said.

Dhruvin’s journey highlights the importance of making strategic decisions, staying focused, and maintaining a balance between hard work and relaxation. For those aspiring to follow in his footsteps, his story serves as a powerful reminder that with dedication, smart planning, and a little bit of sacrifice, great achievements are within reach.

Published by brooklyncamrin

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